Considering the current Covid-19 situation, we have extended the dealine to 15th 30th June 2021. We encourage GADRI members to participate in the e-poster presentation session as well as contribute papers for the Proceedings of the 5th Global Summit of GADRI.

Abstract Template is the below (MS-Word File).


- Abstracts should be between 200 to 300 words. The summit accepts maximum of two abstract submissions per person.

Abstracts, key words and final paper (minimum 3,000 words) to be submitted prior to the Summit by 15th June 2021.

General guidelines for abstracts, keywords and papers:

  • All papers are along the lines of the proposed theme and topics of discussions of the 5th Global Summit of GADRI.
    - All contributions are relevant to policy makers and directed towards global disaster risk assessment – not only hazards – dimensions to assess the risks.
    - Papers should contribute to the targets of the Science and Technology Roadmap for the implementation of the priority areas of the Sendai Framework Agenda; and the agenda of COP26.
    - Papers could report on research challenges, contributions, achievements, current ongoing project activities, etc. It is important to framework the data in terms of - whether it is global, national, or local. These dimensions are important. With hazards, it is important to mention whether it is technological, natural or other aspects, for eg. is it on exposure, or vulnerability, or hazards. This will be a good way to summarize the current status of science and research targets.
    - As an appendix, all contributors should ideally deliver 1-page science for policy brief (who for, what is the policy question, what are the facts, what is the recommendation...).
    - Sendai Roadmap: scoring - Make it attractive to respond properly: catalogue of R&D.
    - Selected papers will be published in the Proceedings of the 5th Global Summit of GADRI.

20 July 2025 -
Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of GADRI

21-23 July 2025 -
7th Global Summit of GADRI at Center for Risk-Based Community Resilience Planning, Colorado State University, USA