The Seventh Global Summit of GADRI will hold a session on Seeds and Needs - Networking with Institutes. The aim of this session is to provide institutes with opportunities to network and connect with other institutes, showcase their institute’s resources, enable to find potential partners among GADRI members to collaborate, engage and enhance ongoing or new research project activities. For instance, some institutes may have an abundant of seeds such as their own methodologies, datasets, experimental equipment, computer resources, etc., but lack users, application fields, in-situ data for validation, etc. Other institutes may have human resources (researchers) but many unsolved issues and in need of scientific knowledge, experience, experimental and observation equipment, and technological supports and vice versa.
This session will, in particularly, explore research seeds and needs and assist to realize the effective/active collaboration among GADRI members.
Submission instructions:
If you do not have a Google account, please send the two required files to '' via email. After that, fill in the required information in the form below and submit it.
Templates of 1-page PPT and the 300-word summary:
Please note:
The 1-page PPT slide and your summary will be uploaded on the 7th Global Summit website. Potential partners will be able to look at your documents prior to the Networking session.
15 March 2025(extended) - Deadline of the Registration for Poster and Networking with Institute Session
20 July 2025 - Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of GADRI
21-23 July 2025 - 7th Global Summit of GADRI at Center for Risk-Based Community Resilience Planning, Colorado State University, USA