Benefits of participating in the GADRI Global Summit:

  1. Opportunity to engage with GADRI members in a global context as well as on a regional basis.
  2. Global orientation on DRR research, contributions and achievements.
  3. Especially taking advantage of the EC-JRC research work. A lot of science policy translations are conducted there, and it is an opportunity for GADRI to link and learn from the European and European local contexts.
  4. Vice versa, it will provide scientists around the world to work on that area and to get better engagement with the wider academic world, find mechanisms for the academic world to have greater influence on policies, and national policies.
  5. The GADRI Global Summit provide an opportunity to showcase some examples, and bring the right people together from the global context and to maximise knowledge sharing on what we know, and needs to be done.
  6. The lessons learned, and topics discussed at the GADRI Global Summit are of global value to our membership and beyond.
  7. Outcomes and selected papers will be published in the Proceedings of the 6th Global Summit of GADRI via Disaster and Risk Research: GADRI Book Series, Springer Japan.

20 July 2025 -
Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of GADRI

21-23 July 2025 -
7th Global Summit of GADRI at Center for Risk-Based Community Resilience Planning, Colorado State University, USA