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Research Institute for Applied Mechanics (RIAM), Kyushu University


The Research Institute for Applied Mechanics (RIAM) was established in 1951, consisting of two research divisions, to pursue research in fluid mechanics and solid mechanics. Three divisions and two research facilities later became affiliated with the institute.

In 1997, RIAM was reorganized
as an interuniversity collaboration research institute and became a Center of Excellence (COE), nationally promoted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. RIAM consists of three research divisions and two research centers: the Division of Fundamental Mechanics, the Division of Ocean Atmosphere Dynamics, the Division of Plasma and Material Science, Dynamics Simulation Research Center (DSRC), and the Advanced Fusion Research Center (AFRC). DSRC has started to play a central role in advancing studies on the dynamics of the ocean and atmosphere, particularly for the Sea of Japan. The facility for AFRC was expanded and recognized as a COE in Fusion Science Networking in Japan.

The present research areas of RIAM encompass a wide range of experimental and theoretical fields from micro mechanical phenomena on an atomic scale, to macro mechanical phenomena on a global scale. In addition to individual research at the divisions and centers of the institute, two large research projects have been organized in interdisciplinary research areas: the ocean atmosphere science and engineering research project and the fundamental fusion research project utilizing a spherical tokamak "QUEST" which is now under construction. The aim of the QUEST Project is to investigate both long duration current drive of a spherical tokamak plasma and plasmawall interaction with advanced wall control. RIAM academic staff also play an important role in education through participating in departments of the Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences (Molecular and Material Sciences, Advanced Energy Engineering Science, and Earth System Science and Technology) and the Graduate School of Engineering (Aeronautics and Astronautics).

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