IV. Integrated Disaster Risk Management
Brief Description"Disaster Risk Reduction" requires tackling the various factors that influence a society's vulnerability to disasters in an integrated, holistic, and comprehensive way, which finally call for a concept, framework, methodology of "Integrated Disaster Risk Management". Successful integrated disaster risk management requires integration between disciplines, stakeholders, levels of government, and between global, regional, national, local and individual efforts, which fills gaps between theory and practice under functional scheme of "Disaster Risk Governance". This group is to share and discuss findings, tested assumptions and commonplace knowledge, new methods and innovative ideas defining and strengthening the framework of integrated disaster risk management. |
GADRI Open Discussion Forum: How Can Disaster Research Institutes Significantly Contribute to Real World Disaster Risk Reduction? - was heldat the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Collaborative Research Hub - 3F, Kyoto University, Japan on 15 March 2018. GADRI Open Discussion Forum: GADRI Projects and Activities was heldat the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Collaborative Research Hub - 3F, Kyoto University, Japan on 23 March 2016. The Forum was held in conjunction with the First Meeting of the GADRI Board of Directors and was attended by 55 participants from 18 countries representing various institutions and governmental agencies.