GADRI Roundtable Discussion Workshop on Towards an Integrated Disaster Risk Research Platform for Hydro-Meteorological Hazards
Date:13 / Oct / 2015
~ 16 / Oct / 2015
Venue:Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University, Uji Campus, Kyoto, Japan
The Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institute (GADRI) organized a Round Table Discussion Workshop: Towards an Integrated Disaster Risk Research Platform for Hydro-Meteorological Hazards at the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University, Uji Campus, Kyoto, Japan on 13 and 16 October 2015. There were 29 participants from 8 different countries who attended the GADRI workshop drawn from government agencies, UN agencies, NGOs, research institutions, and practitioners.