The GADRI 2021 summit aims at stock taking of progress and achievements in DRR research from its Members towards the targets of the Science and Technology Roadmap to implement the goals and priorities of the Sendai Framework. The programme will communicate academic science across scientific disciplines to policy makers and practitioners. It is an important aspect for academics to be aware how science can directly contribute to national and local disasters, for example, the current global pandemic COVID-19, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. Such situations prompt scientists’ interventions, expertise, experience and the opportunity to share them with emergency managers in crisis situations.

This year’s Global Summit is attentive to the necessary influence of the Global Alliance and its supporting regional Alliances on bringing the disasters research to bare on the outcomes of the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) COP26 taking place in Glasgow, November 2021. The 5th Global Summit of GADRI will contribute to COP26 and will provide impetus to climate change and health challenges to influence climate policy to work in the disaster resilience and response. The 5th Global Summit of GADRI recommendations, facilitated through the UK Alliance of Disaster Research, will be presented at the COP26 in November 2021.



20 January 2023 - Poster Session

20 January 2023 - GADRI Scholarships

20 January 2023 - Seeds and Needs - Networking with Institutes Session

20 January 2023 - GADRI Survey

15-17 March 2023 -
6th Global Summit of GADRI at DPRI, Kyoto University, Uji Campus, Kyoto, Japan