Each group will pick-up a theme and the results will be reported by the rapporteur at the final panel sessions.
i. Target E – Governance - Substantially increase the number of countries with national and local disaster risk reduction strategies by 2020;
ii. Target F – Finance - Substantially enhance international cooperation to developing countries through adequate and sustainable support to complement their national actions for implementation of the present Framework by 2030;
iii. Post-Covid-19 Era - Health Disaster Risk Reduction and Management – Responses and measures to Covid-19 – reports or national synthesis reports on Covid-19 – lessons learned and research gaps; and global pandemics – what is next?
iv. Action Orientated Agenda Regards Integrated Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation for the Next Decade - Surveying GADRI’s entire membership worldwide regards risk reduction, adaptation and resilience initiatives for a written statement draft at the GADRI summit, and feed into the process of COP26 using some of the UK hosting mechanism.
v. Accessibility of information, data, reaction to disasters, and knowledge in the absence of a system to react and respond to the situation
vi. Evaluating obstacles for scientist engagement with policy makers and practitioners, and legal challenges - Scientists and Actors Engagement Projects
vii. Exploring solutions to bridge the gaps for implementation of science in action - Route from scientific prediction to social implementation: how can we bridge the last but not least gap between academia and society for accomplishing disaster risk reduction –
20 January 2023 - Poster Session
20 January 2023 - GADRI Scholarships
20 January 2023 - Seeds and Needs - Networking with Institutes Session
20 January 2023 - GADRI Survey
15-17 March 2023 - 6th Global Summit of GADRI at DPRI, Kyoto University, Uji Campus, Kyoto, Japan