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> Committee on Data and Information Sharing

Chair: Prof. Andrew Collins

Co-chair: Dr. Tom De Groeve

Members of the Committee:

  • Prof. Andrew Collins, Co-chair UK Alliance of Disaster Research (UKADR); and DDN, Northumbria University, UK; and
  • Dr. Tom De Groeve, EC-JRC, Italy
  • Dr. Gary Wilson, GNS Science, New Zealand
  • Prof. Qian Ye, IRG, BNU, China
  • Dr. Rodrigo Cienfuegos, CIGIDEN, Chile
  • Prof. Yuichi Ono, IRIDeS, Tohoku University, Japan
  • Prof. Paul Kovacs, Chair, GADRI; and Executive Director, ICLR, Adjunct Research Professor, Economics, Western University, Canada
  • Prof. Hirokazu Tatano, Secretary-General, GADRI; Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University, Japan
  • Dr. Hiroyuki Goto, DPRI, Kyoto University, Japan
  • Prof. Norio Maki, DPRI, Kyoto University, Japan
  • Dr. Yukitoshi Fukahata, DPRI, Kyoto University, Japan
  • Dr. Genta Nakano, DPRI, Kyoto University,Japan

Concept Note

Committee on Data and Information Sharing of GADRI

The Committee was formed in response to the GADRI objective to promote exchange and sharing of data and information for scientific research across the globe

Considering reflections during the establishment of this committee, including via the 4th Global Open Discussion Forum on GADRI on 15th March 2022, and considerations that are ongoing, it is proposed to broaden the purpose of this committee to also include an emphasis on "action data for research impact". The two interrelated strands of the work of the committee are therefore to:

  1. Promote exchange and sharing of data and information for scientific research across the world
  2. Promote the flow and application of active data for disaster reduction impact


Data informed and action orientated knowledge partnerships that steer progress in disaster reduction worldwide.


The committee recognises demand for initiatives that serve the needs of data informed, action orientated knowledge partnerships. This has been informed from multiple experiences at all levels of institutional assemblage working in the field of disaster science, practice and policy facing initiatives and is projected by the needs of at-risk citizens. Demand for action-based, dynamic, multi-voice data information systems is for example apparent within statements related to the United Nations.

"Comprehensive and disaggregated data harnessed across time and space is crucial to effectively define exposure and vulnerability, particularly for those most at risk. We need to make better use of existing data for information and action."

UNDRR (2019) Global Platform for DRR Co-Chair's Summary, Paragraph C.14, p.2.

"Action data for disaster reduction is reflective learning, practice and conjecture for improved engagement with current and future risk. This assumes the broadest definition of contributing forms of data, considering knowledge as active data."

(STAG DwG 2018-2020, UNDRR Global Platform, 2019)

The following principles were reflected in the workings of the GADRI 2021 Summit:

  • The global disaster research community is only as effective as the usefulness and applications of its data, requiring bridged knowledge gaps, activated data and utilized knowledge.
  • Bridging of knowledge gaps through a whole of society objective is a means to influencing social and behavioural change that enables disaster risk reduction.
  • Identification of the keys to a more comprehensive bridging of knowledge gaps through activated data and information can promote utilized knowledge at multiple levels of practice and policy.
  • Sharing and learning about how disaster research institutions use their disaster research data processes will assist widen the contribution of disasters research on disaster reduction.