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Chinese Taipei



National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE)
National Applied Research Laboratories (NAR Labs)

Chinese Taipei

The National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) was established in October 1990. Its laboratory, equipped with a tri-axial shaking table, an L-shape reaction wall system, and a large strong floor test bed allows earthquake engineering simulations of structural components or systems in full-scale.


  • To advance experimental and numerical simulation technologies: Construct and maintain the worldclass experimental facilities. Provide hardware, software and technical support to national and international researchers and practitioners on earthquake engineering simulations.
  • To develop and apply earthquake loss estimation technologies: Develop and enhance the Taiwan Earthquake Loss Estimation System (TELES) software for advancement of seismic disaster scenario simulation technologies.
  • To develop seismic design, evaluation and retrofit technologies: Advance seismic design, evaluation and retrofit technologies and code provisions for buildings and bridges to ensure structural resilience, and mitigate life and property losses during earthquakes.
  • To develop state-of-the-art seismic technologies: Conduct researches on innovative, environmentfriendly, and intelligent construction materials, technologies, and systems.
  • To promote educational outreach and consolidation of earthquake knowledge: Consolidate earthquake research findings, disseminate earthquake engineering and hazard mitigation knowledge to enhance earthquake awareness and public capability of emergency responses.

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Taiwan Typhoon and Flood Research Institute (TTFRI)
National Applied Research Laboratories (NAR Labs)

Chinese Taipei

The Taiwan Typhoon and Flood Research Institute (TTFRI) was established in 2011. Besides serving as an information-sharing platform to support academic research, TTFRI develops advanced prediction techniques of typhoon and flood to assist government agencies in disaster prevention, to mitigate the social and economic impacts of typhoon/flood-related disasters.

Meanwhile, TTFRI focuses on typhoon and floodrelated researches with regional characteristics and also devotes itself to nurturing talents for future worldleading researchers.


  • Construct atmospheric and hydrologic informationsharing platforms to support academic research
  • Conduct mission-orientated research to develop advanced techniques for disaster prevention and mitigation of typhoon and flood
  • Nurture talents for future researchers

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Disaster Prevention Research Center (DPRC)
National Cheng-Kung University (NCKU)

Chinese Taipei

On July 31, 1996 , Typhoon Herb brought a tremendous rain and caused severe floods and sediment-related disasters especially debris flow disaster along the Chen-Yo-Lan river, the disaster prevention becomes a focal point as well as common needs of society.

Established in October, 1996, the Disaster Prevention Research Center (DPRC) of National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) is a part of the University's General Center in research, as well as one of the main institutions for disaster prevention and mitigation in Taiwan.

DPRC is established with the purpose of improving the technology and countermeasures of disaster prevention, and also study a suitable technical code for disaster prevention and rescue with specialists and researchers. The main missions are as following:

  • Conducting the research on the disaster prevention, and applying the research results to the actual work
  • Developing disaster prevention systems and establishing disaster prevention databases
  • Assisting the improvement of disaster prevention system and the promotion of disaster prevention works.
  • Organizing symposiums, workshops and promotional campaigns on disaster prevention, and participating in international academic exchange with professions in this field
  • Publishing academic journals and media presentations related to disaster prevention
  • Accepting commission of disaster prevention projects and providing expert consultation service.
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Tainan Hydraulics Laboratory (THL)
National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)

Chinese Taipei

In the light of the nationwide contribution of hydraulic engineering, THL aims to focus on using the educational cooperative support system to resolve engineering problems. In the early days, THL endeavored in the research of harbor and marine construction and today its contribution has gained an international reputation.

The succeeding mission of THL is: 1.) Investigation, experiment, and analysis in the area of hydraulic and marine engineering; 2.) Research on national economic development and planning; 3.) Compiling and supervising projects for Water Resource Agency, Ministry of Economic Affairs; 4.) Creating hydraulic and marine database as well as Geographic Information System (GIS). 5.) Assisting interdisciplinary instruction, research, and practical training in order to make industries, officials, and academics into a whole and thus to achieve the terminal goal, globalization.

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National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (NCDR)

New Taipei City
Chinese Taipei

Taiwan has beautiful natural environments, but it has a unique geographic location. It is situated in the subtropical monsoon region. There are plum rains every MayJune and typhoons every July 7October. This special type of climate often brings about torrential rains. Also, the steep landform and short river connections often cause serious flooding. Meanwhile, since it is located at the border of the Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate, it is considered one of the regions in the world with the most frequent felt earthquakes.

Therefore, the frequent occurrences of natural disasters often result to serious damage and loss of lives and properties. The society often shows much concern toward disaster related problems. The government and the private sector also engage in disaster prevention and response works. However, due to rapid economic developments and social changes, disaster prevention works are less than adequate at present. In recent years, improved standards of living have resulted to higher demands for the protection of lives and properties. The government also finds it essential to promptly formulate effective disaster prevention and response strategies, strengthen disaster prevention technology research results and implement them in disaster prevention operations.

Since 1982, The National Science Council began promoting large disaster prevention research programs. Thus, in November 1997, disaster prevention and response operation based departments and bureaus co-setup the National Science and Technology Program for Hazards Mitigation. Year 1998 is the preparation year, 19992001 is the first term program execution period, and 200022006is the second term program execution period. Since the execution of the National Science and Technology Program for Hazards Mitigation, the setup of disaster prevention related data, potential disaster investigation and analysis, disaster scenario simulation and risk level analysis, early warning and forecasting techniques, disaster management decision support system, after-shock building safety diagnosis and reinforcement, structural anti-shock design and anti-shock capability assessment, HAZ-Taiwan system setup and application, disaster prevention education, disaster prevention and emergency response system, disaster prevention system review assessment, and disaster prevention strategies have received solid results. They have been applied in practical work and have laid solid foundation for future works.

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Center for Weather Climate and Disaster Research (WCDR)
National Taiwan University

Chinese Taipei

  • Disaster Research Center (DRC), NTU was established on June 17th, 2003.
  • DRC changed the title and divisions as Center for Weather Climate and Disaster Research (WCDR) on February 9th, 2010.

  • Global climate change has frequently affect many natural disasters such as floods, mudflows, and landslides.
  • Due to global climate change, recent typhoons-Nari, Kalmaegi, Morakot, Fanapi, and Megi, and 88-flood catastrophe have incurred enormous damages and life loss in Taiwan.
  • Reinforce international communication and academic-industry collaboration, provide high quality service to respond the impact of global climate change in order to efficiently reduce disaster damages.

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