Natural Disaster Research Institute
Outline Our team is a professional research team and has academic innovation predominated by young and mid-career scientists which including 3 professors, 2 associate professors, 2 lectures, 3 post-doctoral researchers, 10 doctoral candidates and 20 postgraduate students. Our research team devotes to the research and development on integrated risk assessment and risk prevention and control of environment and disaster, emergency decision-making of sudden environmental accidents, strategical environmental assessment, ecological environment security and risk assessment, regional environmental planning, assessment and management. In these field, our team have made groundbreaking research. Currently, we have conducted more than 100 scientific and counseling projects support by national, provincial, local governments and doctoral fund, and over 300 articles have been published on top international and Chinese journals, 60 of which are indexed by SCI and 20 articles' impact factor are beyond the average. In addition, we have published 10 academic works, obtained 5 software copyrights, established 5 national or industry standards and achieved 3 patents of invention. [detail] --> |