Mr. Stephen Quest, the Director-General of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission and his colleagues Ms. Sabine Henzler, Director of Strategy and Ms. PASECINIC Liliana, Deputy Head of Unit visited the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI) of the Kyoto University, Uji Campus. They received a warm welcome from Prof. Eiichi Nakakita, Director, DPRI; Prof. Ryosuke Uzuoka, Vice-Director, DPRI; and Prof. Hirokazu Tatano, Secretary‑General, Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes (GADRI) and Professor, DPRI. EC-JRC has an Agreement of Cooperation with DPRI, Kyoto University since 2011.
They had fruitful discussions on future collaborative activities especially on disaster risk reduction. The Director-General Stephen Quest assured Prof. Tatano that EC-JRC will be represented at the planned 6th Global Summit of GADRI to be held at DPRI from 15 to 17 March 2023.
From L: Ruosuke Uzuoka, PASENIC Liliana, Sabine Henzler,
Stephen Quest, Eiichi Nakakita, and Hirokazu Tatano