Recife was founded in 1537 and its population is 1,661,017 in 2021, which makes this city the sixth oldest city and the ninth largest city in Brazil. Nearly three weeks of heavy rainfall since the end of May 2022 caused landslide and flood disasters that left 130 dead, 9134 homeless, and 119,523 temporarily-displaced people in the Metropolitan Region of Recife.
Prof. Masato Kobiyama, Hydraulic Research Institute, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil shares a short report on the May-June 2022, 130 people died in landslides and floods caused by heavy rain in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, northeastern Brazil.
Click on the link to read the full report - In May-June 2022, 130 people died in landslides and floods caused by heavy rain in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, northeastern Brazil - Short report