Lecture by Mr. Guillermo Siercke, GFDRR, The World Bank
Mr. Guillermo Siercke, Disaster Risk Management Specialist, Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), The World Bank Tokyo Office delivered a lecture on the Japan-World Bank Program for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management in Developing Countries (the Program). The presentation included the work and achievements of the Tokyo DRM Hub to date. The Program is a partnership between the Government of Japan and the World Bank aimed at mainstreaming disaster risk management (DRM) into national development planning and investment programs, including through World Bank country strategies and operations. The Program also strives to connect Japanese and global expertise in DRM with developing countries.
After four years of operations, the World Bank's Tokyo DRM Hub has supported many resilience-enhancing initiatives addressing real life issues that the client countries face.
Through the presentation, Mr. Siercke shared a couple of interesting and relevant successful implementation cases on DRR.