GADRI 2nd Open Discussion Forum 2018
GADRI organized the Open Discussion Forum on How Can Disaster Research Institutes Significantly Contribute to Real World Disaster Risk Reduction? at the Collaborative Research Hub, Room 301, Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University, Uji Campus, Kyoto, Japan on 15 March 2018.
Since March 2015, the Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes (GADRI) has been operating with a mandate to share evidence-based research, and to promote international cooperative activities in disaster risk reduction and resilience to disasters. GADRI's vision aims to foster relationships through participation and collaboration with diverse academic networks, and combine efforts with ongoing activities among international institutions to find implementable solutions to existing and emerging disaster risks.
This is the Second Open Discussion Forum was organized by GADRI with the objective:
- to introduce GADRI activities and the members of GADRI Board of Directors and their institutions
- to facilitate discussion between GADRI members and important stakeholders in disaster risk reduction; and
- to find directions for GADRI to proceed in the next few years
During the general discussion session, the participants had an opportunity to interact with the panelist with suggestions to direct GADRI activities in most needed research areas for disaster reduction.
The Forum was a platform to share GADRI activities and achievements since its inception in March 2015. Specifically, the Forum will brief on the Tokyo Statement 2017 which was an outcomes of the Global Forum on Science and Technology for Disaster Resilience held in November of last year, and the key research expectations and contributions from GADRI.