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Publication - A Framework for Global Science
The "Framework..." (previously know as the "research agenda"), developed by our science and development partners, was published in 2021.
A Framework for Global Science
Hazard Information Profiles: Supplement to UNDRR-ISC Hazard Definition & Classification Review - Technical Report
UNDRR launch of the new joint publication with the International Science Council and Public Health England and over 1000 scientific and technical partners called
Please see relevant links below.
This report is a Supplement to the UNDRR-ISC Hazard Definition and Classification Review - Technical report released in July 2020. Aligned with the list of hazards published in the Technical Report, this Supplement comprises of a description of each of the 302 hazard information profiles (HIPs), developed using a consultative process by scientists and experts across the globe.
Responding to increasing calls for 'a data revolution, rigorous accountability mechanisms and renewed global partnerships', the UNDRR-ISC Hazard Definition and Classification Review - Technical report and its Supplement provide an important resource to support the implementation of disaster risk reduction and risk-informed investment, aligned with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, but also the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Sustainable Financing. It provides a common set of hazard definitions to Governments and stakeholders to inform their strategies and actions on risk reduction and management.
Specifically, the report and this supplement could support the development and updating of national and local disaster risk reduction strategies and loss databases, as well as integrating disaster risk reduction into national statistics, legal, accounting and regulatory frameworks and public and private policy, financing and investment decisions.
Evidence Aid - Earthquakes Evidence Collection
- Evidence Aid - Resources for Earthquakes - Earthquake Evidence Collection
4th Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction (4thDSRIDRR-2019)
Abstract_3rd Global Summit
2015 Second Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction
2011 First Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction
Ecosystem-Based Disaster and Climate Resilience
The book on Ecosystem-Based Disaster and Climate Resilience: Integration of Blue-Green Infrastructure in Sustainable Development by Editors Prof. Mahua Mukherjee and Prof. Rajib Shaw was published under the Disaster and Risk Research: GADRI Book Series in 2021.
- Introduces multi-hazard risk resilience tools
- Promotes nature and natural processes for disaster resilience
- Presents global disaster resilience issues that can be resolved with local solutions
For further details, visit the links below:
EC_JRC Publication Framework Agenda
Other Useful Links
Other useful links:
- Chan Emily Y Y, Murray V Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management (Health-EDRM): Developing the Research Field within the Sendai Framework Paradigm International Journal of Disaster Risk Science (2017) doi:10.1007/s13753-017-0122-0
- Aitsi Selmi A, Blanchard K and Murray V Ensuring science is useful, usable and used in global disaster risk reduction and sustainable development: a view through the Sendai framework lensPalgrave Communications 2, Article number: 16016 (2016) doi:10.1057/palcomms.2016.16
- Aitsi-Selmi A, Murray V (2016) The Chernobyl Disaster and Beyond: Implications of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. PLoS Med 13(4): e1002017. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1002017
- Aitsi-Selmi, A., V. Murray, C. Wannous, C. Dickinson, D. Johnston, A. Kawasaki, A.-S. Stevance, T. Yeung, et al. 2016. Reflections on a science and technology agenda for 21st century disaster risk reduction. Based on the scientific content of the 2016 UNISDR Science and Technology Conference on the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 7(1). doi:10.1007/s13753-016-0081-x
- Dickinson C, Aitsi-Selmi, A., P. Basasbe, C. Wannous, V. Murray. 2016, Global Community of Disaster Risk Reduction Scientists and Decision Makers Endorse a Science and Technology Partnership to Support the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 7(1). DOI 10.1007/s13753-016-0080-y
- Aitsi-Selmi A, Murray V. Protecting the Health and Well-being of Populations from Disasters: Health and Health Care in The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. 2016 Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
- Aitsi-Selmi A, Murray V, Heymann D, McCloskey B, Azhar EI, Petersen E, Zumla A, Dar O.. Reducing risks to health and wellbeing at mass gatherings: the role of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. Int J Infect Dis (2016),
UNDRR S&T Conference 2016
- UNDRR Science and Technology Conference on the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 held at Geneva, Switzerland from the 27th to 29th January 2016