World Bosai Forum
Date:25 / Nov / 2017
~ 27 / Nov / 2017
Venue:Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan
The World Bosai Forum - International Disaster and Risk Conference 2017, GRF Davos, will take place at the Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan from 25 to 27 November 2017.
The forum is a venue to spin knowledge from disasters and weave wisdom of disaster risk reduction into society.
The forum will:
- promote the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
- explore Japanese experiences of disaster risk reduction and observe recovery process of the Tohoku Region
- welcome participants from disaster risk reduction experts to non- experts
- explore and develop opportunities in disaster risk reduction
- focus on solution-oriented discussion on disaster risk reduction with concrete examples provided by multi-stakeholders
- give thanks for assistance to Tohoku from all over the world after the 11 March 2011 East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster
For information: