On 26 April 2016, Prof. Hirokazu Tatano paid a courtesy visit to the new Director Hiromi Otsuka, Disaster International Cooperation Division, Disaster Management Bureau, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan and shared information about GADRI and its current activities. As well as touching upon the recent Open Discussion Forum: GADRI Projects and Activities held on 23 March 2016 where her predecessor Mr. Kaoru Saito delivered a keynote lecture, Prof. Tatano informed her of the willingness expressed by the panelists of the Open Discussion Forum to support and cooperate with GADRI activities and the plans to hold the next Global Summit on Disaster Risk Reduction in March 2017. Ms. Otsuka expressed their willingness to support GADRI activities and requested Prof. Tatano to keep her Office informed of GADRI activities and the progress for the 3rd Global Summit.